Air ducts are the central pathway for heating and cooling in your home. When they’re dirty, it’s not just an inconvenience—it can be dangerous to your health! Every year, hundreds of thousands of homes are infected with various illnesses and bacteria due to dirty air ducts. This can lead to an increase in allergies, respiratory problems, asthma attacks, headaches, and fatigue, among other things. That’s why homeowners need to keep their homes tidy by having their air ducts professionally cleaned!
If you haven’t had your air ducts cleaned in a while, you might be surprised by how much dust and debris is in them. How often you should have your air ducts cleaned will depend on many factors such as:
-How often do you use your furnace?
-What type of heating system do you have?
-Do pets live in your home?
-Does anyone in your home have allergies or respiratory issues?
-What kind of filter does your system use?
So, depending on all the factors above and more, we narrow down when it would be appropriate to get your air ducts cleaned. A good rule of thumb is once a year for most systems, but if yours has a high-efficiency particulate arrestance filter, it might only need to be done every three years.
If someone lives in your home with bad allergies or respiratory issues, it’s usually recommended you stay on top of cleaning your ducts a bit more, sticking to that once a year timeframe, or even twice a year.
Do you feel tired, exhausted or do your kids have asthma? These are just a few of the health problems that can be attributed to dirty air ducts.
The average person spends over 90% of their time indoors, so it’s essential to make sure the air quality is up to par. Dirty air ducts will trap dust and other allergens, which in turn will lead to poor indoor air quality; we highly recommend staying on top of your air ducts cleanings according to the appropriate timeframe for you and your system. And luckily for you, our team here at Steamatic Restoration and Cleaning is here to help with expert duct cleaning service.
The everyday health of your home starts in your air ducts, and the team here at Steamatic Restoration and Cleaning utilizes HEPA filtration to trap the extracted contaminates, so they are not redistributed in your home. Start breathing easy today!